The Fly

Answer the following questions.

A. 1. A rosebud like a feather bed
(a) Why would a rosebud look like a feather bed to fly?
ans. Because the fly is very small and the rosebud is soft and velvety.
(b) What would the thorn of the rose look like to the fly?
ans. It looks like a spear to the fly.

2. Where can the fly see itself?
ans. The fly can see itself in any dewdrop. The dewdrop serves as mirror to the fly.
3. As fierce as coal of fire.
(a) What would look like coals of fire to the fly?
ans. Mustard seeds would look like coals of fire to he tiny fly.
(b) Why would it look like that?
ans. Because mustard seeds are yellow- orange in colour, therefore they would look like coals of fire.
4. What would look like 'a lofty hill' to the fly? Why do you think the speaker uses the word 'lofty'?
ans. A loaf of bread wold look like 'a lofty hill' to the fly. The speaker uses the word 'lofty' to explain how tall the loaf would look to the tiny fly.
5. Why would a fly be afraid of a wasp?
ans. A fly would be afraid of a wasp because wasp may be bigger than the fly. A wasp can sting, so fly may be afraid that the wasp would hurt it.

6. How is salt compared to lambkins?
ans. Both salt and lambskins are white in colour. Although specks of salt are very small, they would look large enough to a tiny fly. So the fly would be able to see them as clearly as a shepherd can see lambkins.

C. complete these similes with the correct words from the box.

1. as brave as a lion
2. as busy as a bee
3. as quiet as a mouse
4. as gently as a lamb
5. as free as a bird

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